Activation of The Seer Anointing
Prophets are seers. I will see things and then flow with what the Lord has shown me. I rely on all five of my spiritual senses to monitor things in

Developing The Inner Mind
There is a natural mind for your natural body and a spiritual mind for your spiritual body. You are both natural and spiritual. You are not just a physical person

Divine Encounters with God
Jesus is called the light of the world. Before he came into the world, the world was in darkness and did not have the light that would bring life. In

Entering God’s Glory
The glory of the Lord is basically the essence of who He is. He beautifies us with Himself. He literally puts Himself upon us, His essence, His likeness, His life.

Five Stones for Five Giants
Why did David take five smooth stones? Basically because there wasn’t just one giant. There were actually five of them. David was fully anticipating and ready, if need be, to

How to be Used by God
Do you hunger and thirst after righteousness? Do you want to be used by God in the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit? Are you satisfied with your Christian

In His Name
There is great power in the name of Jesus when you are in the name. We are going to look in the Word to see how many times we are

Kingdom Authority
Jesus Himself preached the kingdom message – the Kingdom of God. He told His disciples to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. Some of us don’t even know what that

Living in the Realm of Revelation
God desires all of His children to live in the realm of revelation. That realm is a place of perception where we can perceive beyond the natural and into the

Manifestation of Truth
Truth is not truth until it is manifested. Truth has to have proof or it isn’t truth. Truth always backs itself up or it cannot be truth. A person can

Mantles Of Authority
Did you know that we are supposed to have covenants with each other in the body of Christ? There are also supposed to be covenants with five-fold ministry. You are

Miracles Signs and Wonders
2 Corinthians 4:18; “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal, but

New Dimensions of Faith
Faith is a blessing that is supernatural. It cannot operate without the person of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. There is no faith without God because it comes from

Personal Encounters With Jesus
There is a place where you can have an encounter with Him face to face. Most people are not setting themselves aside for it, are not sanctifying themselves unto it,

Prophetic Fire & Glory
On the day of Pentecost, the Lord released the understanding of the prophecy in Joel 2 when Peter got up and began to bring it forth. The full fulfillment of

Prophetic Insight
The Lord wants us to understand the purposes of the prophetic realm and why we need the prophet in our midst. In this hour we are going to see God

Prophetic Ministry Today vol:1
Prophetic teaching manuals that begin with the simplest of prophetic understanding to the most advanced prophetic ministry. Dr. Phil spent 25 years of research as well as hands on ministry

Prophetic Ministry Today vol:2
Prophetic teaching manuals that begin with the simplest of prophetic understanding to the most advanced prophetic ministry. Dr. Phil spent 25 years of research as well as hands on ministry

Prophetic Principles
The prophetic ministry has many foundational and eternal principles that enable the prophetic ministry to operate and function at full capacity. In this book, you will learn many of those

Put It Back
We read in Proverbs that if the thief is found out, he has to repay sevenfold. Have you found out that the devil is trying to steal from you? Have